Here is a list of 5 guys who are exceedingly cool in my opinion. And rock sex appeal.
1. David Bowie.
GaGa before there was Lady. Could possibly be the coolest guy on the planet? He managed to make lycra, eye patches and red hair look sexy as Ziggy Stardust. He deserves to be number one just for that. I love him!
2. Nick CaveHe is no great shakes in the looks department, especially now...worst handlebar moustache EVER! But he sure can pull off sexy cool when he is performing. If you don't believe me, Youtube the clip for Stagger Lee. You'll get it. Plus generally a super talented and forward thinking artist.
3. PrincePerhaps an unexpected choice but c'mon, It' PRINCE! Any short dude who can pull off purple suits, turbans and all around femininity but still exude sex appeal (Gett Off is one of the filthiest songs ever) has got to be considered super cool. Plus he changed his name to a symbol which is pretty rad. Great music. Great style. Amazing perspective.....He recently declared the internet as a fad. Prince is great.
4. Daniel Johns*Well okay these days Daniel Johns can tend to come across as a bit of a wanker, but I still love him. He will always be 1990's Daniel Johns in my eyes. Amazingly talented musically (if you forget the past few albums and Paul Mac crap) and a pretty stylish guy. Having seen him live on stage I can honestly say I've never witnessed anything so sexual! It came as a bit of a surprise, because he doesn't exactly have the Calvin Klein physique. But anyway...HOT! And he rocks vintage like no other.
*(Daniel Johns is a bit of an obsession. Get used to posts about him.)
5. Johnny DeppYou really can't create a list about cool guys without mentioning J. Depp. It's self explanatory. Sexiest man alive. Some of the greatest movies. Looks damn fine in a suit. Bangin'.